starting off a new year entails a certain cleansing ritual physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. after a hiatus from blogging, involving renewing family activities over the holidays, i am ready to begin a new chapter in this life accounting. in ayurvedic medicine they acknowledge the need to rid the body of old impurities and resolve long accumulations, that clog the flow of knowledge in the body. with every change of seasons we move to another type of body, and the doshas or imbalances that occur due to current conditions. with winter Vata cold the dryness creates amas or stiffness that requires balancing. with an increase in air and ether, the earth elements, movement is accentuated and a departure from grounding occurs. i´m ready for stability as a prelude to flight. this year will entail travel to distant lands, both in geography and attitude. i returned to swimming this morning and will try to make good use of my renewed membership in the local recreation center....... but i'd rather swim with the dolphins in warmer climes than the early morning crowd.
the year was ushered in with wonderful exercise and friends and family. my daughter and granddaughter from virgina shared the Christmas holiday, and my youngest daughter and nathan, from seattle, stayed until after new year´s day. it was so great to have their energy and smiling faces in our midst, and to have the time just to talk and share. i look forward to the next opportunity to renew ties. new year´s day i paddled with friends at saylorville, on the des moines river below the dam, and even got interviewed for a dsm register article about crazy kayakers in cold weather. afterwards we had lunch together and then traveled to red rock lake to paddle below the dam. on our journey we took time to visit the abandoned bus that took us "into the wild".......... the land of laughter and imagination. how healing is the time spent just absorbing nature and melding into the energy of our surroundings.......
they say that "you never step into the same river twice" and each new year reveals another part of that flow that you've never seen; so i look forward to new journeys, adventures, experiences, lessons, and above all friends (even if they are changing too).
in this new year please know that i have appreciated all the knowledge, caring and love that has accompanied me as the flow takes me on The Way........
Faye Webster - 'But Not Kiss'
8 months ago