life definitely catches you unaware at times. during RAGBRAI someone repurposed my camera from my bag to theirs and now i'm unable to document my activities as before. my thousand words per has shrunk to decidedly lower levels and my lack of accounting for what is occurring has increased.
last month i finally threw in the proverbial towel and decided against setting up a new clinic. i had to let my employees go and start looking for alternative employment myself. in all my years, with all the jobs i've held, i've never been on unemployment so filing with workforce was a bit degrading. i've paid in thousands of dollars though so can rationalize that it was savings put away for just this moment. i hate to be part of the statistics of why this country is in trouble when i said there never was an excuse for "not working". it is easy to be judgmental regarding other people's troubles until it hits you smack in the face. i hope to get my act together soon and file paperwork for licenses on the east coast and by january take a traveling job that gets us closer to family at least for 13 weeks at a time. it is so difficult to leave the place you've been and called home for 38 years, but nothing is static and i started out as a vagabond anyway.
having more free time has allowed me to get back in shape physically, if not mentally, and finish a couple projects set aside for so long. i'll take my kayak along wherever i go and continue to fill my bucket list of places yet unpaddled..
"let us go then , you and i, while the evening is spread out against the sky, like a patient etherised upon a table." -- T.S. Eliot, J. Alfred Prufrock
Faye Webster - 'But Not Kiss'
9 months ago