all hallows eve or hallowe'en has always been a national holiday at our house, but is pre-empted this year by election activities. the
"night of the witches" always had special meaning with our kids at home because it involved being someone different for one night. one special memory for me was the year i dressed up as a werewolf to hand out candy. with my dark beard (then) and a particularly scary wolf mask, a trench coat, and a black wide-brimmed hat i watched out the front door as two young boys approached our especially spooky house (we have three stories with a tower on top with a strobe warning those that chose to get too close). just as they got to the front porch i threw open the door and jumped out, and with a deep voice said, "what do you want?" knees shaking one boy looked up at me with wide eyes, pointing at his friend, and in an obviously scared tone said, "eat him!" i was at once caught in the middle of a difficult situation. my first action was to throw off my mask and assure them that i was not going to hurt them, then to offer as much candy as they would take. My second reaction, after making sure they were not scarred for life, was to quickly shut the door and roll on the floor laughing - not because i had scared them to the point of giving each other up to be eaten, but because the boy was so honest in his actions.

how many times have we passed on the opportunity to be honest and forthright because we were simply afraid.......... locked into behaviour patterns learned through years of conditioning and role-playing. not realizing what path is our
"true path" takes us to many doors where the werewolves live and fear becomes our reality. in the
celestine prophesy the insights learned follow a progression from recognizing
coincidences to recognizing how others gain control by taking our
energy - and therefore making us powerless to act.
Does this path we are meant to follow lead us to the
Way? we learn our lessons and move to a higher level, free from fear and indecision - free from the paralysis of mind that engulfs us just when we come to the point of knowledge.
when you get to the door of knowledge, don't be scared - the old man with the wolf mask won't hurt you!
1 comment:
i remember that happening, though i can't remember what year or where i was....i just know i miss it. :)
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