"let us go then, you and i, while the evening is spread out against the sky, like a patient etherised upon a table." "lovesong of j.alfred prufrock" ts eliot
a beautiful still sunday night paddling on whitebreast at floodstage....
I read this quote somewhere, but can't quite place the author...sound familiar. Love it! let nature be the Lighthouse that guides us in our journey and keeps us from the rocks. put yourself into the position of guiding others too and let the Light shine brightly for everyone around you. it is known in holistic therapy that the Light inside of us keeps away the darkness, unless it is walled off by negative emotions. find that darkness, understand it, and replace it with Light so that you can continue on your Path unobstructed.
lovely pop.
in the room the women come and go talking of Michelangelo....
I love Michelangelo...or is it Maya Angelou...I forget :)
I read this quote somewhere, but can't quite place the author...sound familiar. Love it!
let nature be the Lighthouse that guides us in our journey and keeps us from the rocks. put yourself into the position of guiding others too and let the Light shine brightly for everyone around you. it is known in holistic therapy that the Light inside of us keeps away the darkness, unless it is walled off by negative emotions. find that darkness, understand it, and replace it with Light so that you can continue on your Path unobstructed.
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