"what is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air." -- t.b. aldrich, 'a shadow of the night'
this poor traveler became a semi-permanent resident of lake red rock and with limited lift to his wings had to be content w/ foot-propelled movement. he must have stopped too close to the "peace tree" to get a picture for a free beer; probably a double ipa (impaired pelican aircraft).
my "orange rush" made three hours on the lake easy on a beautiful south wind thanksgiving day. i'm thankful for the solitude of a day when i was the only boat on the lake, and the energy of loved ones close and far away. today the wind shifted around to the west nw and hopefully tomorrow, albeit cold, will be another day of exploration.
Faye Webster - 'But Not Kiss'
9 months ago
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