Friday, July 31, 2009

taking flight

sunset on the water produces almost mercurial shadowing and gentle paddling. if only work ended at lunchtime there would be room for more exploration.
unseasonably cool July weather has made time on the water feel like september. sunset on red rock still treats paddlers to wonderful sights and sounds.... these gulls are so organized, taking flight together without running into each other.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

weekly counter-cute 4

i was anxious to get the counter-cute in this week after being gone last week to chicago and indiana and it looks like i scooped the heat exhausted seattlers. this young fella is taking a stroll away from lake michigan to see activities at millenium park in chicago.

the boat tour on the chicago river made me wish i had my kayak on the water, but a rainshower reinforced the wisdom of being under an awning taking shots of great architecture.

buckingham fountain holds an enchantment on a warm summer afternoon, but the railing kept me from its cool respite, and probably a stiff fine... wouldn't this make a good addition to a cell phone commercial - 5 bars showing.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

weekly counter-cute 3

this bobcat must be related to paul newman, with the penetrating blue eyes and sun-danced look. their population has increased in iowa significantly (because they are so cute?). kids with balloons have no chance over this little guy.

the rest of the story

some things are not as they appear sometimes. this dam provides waterfalls too on a cool summer evening.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


sometimes we just need more fingers...

Friday, July 10, 2009

not heaven - iowa

the evening sun awaits the final plunge into the lake before a night's sleep. the water held no fear as it's calm windless surface allowed the boats to glide silently along....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

weekly counter-cute 2

in the pecking order of nature the osprey ranks at the top, even chasing away the eagles, yet they can be cute and intriguing too.. this little fellow is vacationing now in venezuela i think.

rest in peace

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” ---Michael Jackson

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


nature provides her own fireworks and each day on the water reminds us how lucky we are to live here and be able to experience good health...
on a windless 70 degree moonlit night on Red Rock Lake, we were all becalmed.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the road less traveled

kennedy street, a country road, is interrupted by summer flooding, but makes a good put-in on a windy evening... too bad the battery ran out before encountering deer and beaver in the upper regions of competine creek....

weekly counter-cute

nature doesn't take a back seat to domesticated animals.....