Monday, November 26, 2012

mocking the sky

"it plays with the clouds, it mocks the skies, or like a cradled creature lies." -- barry cornwell, the sea

a cold quiet sunday evening at sunset at the cordova ramp.. ready for a new week.  my drysuit was warm along with neoprene pogies and a stocking cap.  it's supposed to warm back up but the cold temps will simply continue on until the lake is iced over and hopefully there is enough water in the river to keep paddling.  you'd know i left my camera in the van when the sky was beautiful pink and orange...

Friday, November 23, 2012

winged air

"what is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air." -- t.b. aldrich, 'a shadow of the night'

 this poor traveler became a semi-permanent resident of lake red rock and with limited lift to his wings had to be content w/ foot-propelled movement.  he must have stopped too close to the "peace tree" to get a picture for a free beer; probably a double ipa (impaired pelican aircraft).
my "orange rush" made three hours on the lake easy on a beautiful south wind thanksgiving day.  i'm thankful for the solitude of a day when i was the only boat on the lake, and the energy of loved ones close and far away.  today the wind shifted around to the west nw and hopefully tomorrow, albeit cold, will be another day of exploration.

Monday, November 12, 2012

left or right?

"we always have time enough, if we but use it aright." -- goethe

with the fiscal cliff approaching our elected leaders are having to make choices based on not only public opinion, but ideology.  sometimes it seems that the choices are just illogical.  where is the middle water? 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


 "do not look outside yourself for a leader." -- hopi elders

i must have walked miles and miles canvassing for the election, but now it all seems to have a purpose.  now is not the time though to celebrate or gloat, but a time to refocus on the tasks at hand and decide what we each can do to continue the progress and improve this troubled world.  we each can be presidential in improving the environment, conserving resources, healing old and new wounds, and helping the less fortunate. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

orange rush

 "and the sunlight clasps the earth and the moonbeams kiss the sea." -- percy bysshe shelley, ' love's philosophy'

finally the boat i've always wanted is a reality and my QCC700X now rests on top of my van with my thrice repainted dagger latitude "rogue wave".  we made a long trial run yesterday and it didn't take long to make out the check after finding out how stable and fast it was.  this "orange rush" now is firmly a part of my paddling future.  thanks professor dave oliver for your generosity and friendship on the water!  this will be a nice addition to the red rock armada.