Sunday, October 28, 2012


"to reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it.  but we must not drift or lie at anchor (armchair)." -- oliver wendell holmes

where will we all be when economics takes over for reasonable people and regard for ecology and nature and all the aesthetic things that make life worth living well.  we live life as if there is no tomorrow and then tomorrow we complain about the lack of things we just might have been better off doing without.

 it's drysuit weather with sub freezing temps in the am here but it is still better than a perfect storm.

 it's sometimes difficult to rest in a kayak but adaptation is the answer.  my "garbage barge" still plys the water smoothly with the anchor retracted.

all is quiet on the western, painted rock, front now with leaves gone.  new houses are peeking through the trees on the cliffs and the lake was relatively free of anyone else early on a saturday morning.  soon we will retreat to below the dam and only hope for enough water to paddle in this extended drought time.

from four years ago.... we are still trying to make a difference... it does matter! vote early, i did.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


"the sea has never been friendly to man. at most it has been the accomplice of human restlessness." -- joseph conrad

the cape hatteras lighthouse on the outer banks was being moved from the lower level to high ground last time we were there.  it now sits high on the dunes and was a challenge in its run to the top of the stairs.  freya hoffmeister commented on the black and white markings of a peruvian lighthouse she has encountered in her journey around south america.  this is to let her see a north carolina version of the sailor's warning lights.  i hope it brings her good fortune in her pursuit of the western coast on her way to guyana and ultimately the return to rio.  safe travels Freya! Gutes Fahren!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


"men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering." -- st. augustine

i've helped with the local high school auditorium project for the past year and now we're seeing the fruits of labor with erection of the precast walls upon the footings.  since august only the base work was being done and now they have crane in place and progress moving quickly.  we are hoping they will be finished by august 2013 before school starts.  i am working on a series of alumni productions for fundraisers and have come to appreciate the quality of talent that began at knoxville schools.  just floating through YouTube and the amazing performers out there gives promise to future recruitment of entertainment for the 700 seat facility.  there can be so much, close to home, that we never realize to be enhancement of quality of life.  taking care of a football player with a concussion last night reminded me how important music should be to everyone as they grow older. i'd give my college football career now to just play the piano...

Monday, October 15, 2012

a fall coat

"neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope." -- epictetus

the passing of seasons now sees this familiar beacon donning her yellow fall coat, to signal the transition of energy from one form to another, always everpresent and comforting.

a tired boat

"who well lives, long lives: for this age of ours should not be numbered by years, daies and hours." -- guillaume de salluste dubartas,  divine weekes and workes

it was great to take a leisurely two hour journey this morning to shake off the dust and return to "home".  carrying a "spare tire" for emergencies tends to slow one down.  i'm not nearly as tired as i might have expected after our race.  it is the "journey" and not the finish that is most important.

there was a "light" at the end of the elk rock tunnel this morning.  now if only i could do this every day...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


"joyous we too launch out on trackless seas." -- walt whitman, passage to india

the start of the north carolina challenge, a 100 mile race around from cedar island ferry terminal to beaufort and back, found a beautiful sunrise highlighting the combination of kayaks and sailboats.

out of 55 boats and 66 racers we managed to finish in 19 hours cutting 10 hours off the existing record for the 100 miles.  we won our class and placed 4th overall.  with only a 20 minute break at the checkpoint in beaufort my rear end will probably never be the same.  the watertribe is a great group of people.
"stripbuilder" was all i could see from the back seat most of the time and my instructions were simple, "shut up and paddle!"
"stripbuilder" and "paddletothesea"

life with a porpoise can be sweet.