Sunday, October 28, 2012


"to reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it.  but we must not drift or lie at anchor (armchair)." -- oliver wendell holmes

where will we all be when economics takes over for reasonable people and regard for ecology and nature and all the aesthetic things that make life worth living well.  we live life as if there is no tomorrow and then tomorrow we complain about the lack of things we just might have been better off doing without.

 it's drysuit weather with sub freezing temps in the am here but it is still better than a perfect storm.

 it's sometimes difficult to rest in a kayak but adaptation is the answer.  my "garbage barge" still plys the water smoothly with the anchor retracted.

all is quiet on the western, painted rock, front now with leaves gone.  new houses are peeking through the trees on the cliffs and the lake was relatively free of anyone else early on a saturday morning.  soon we will retreat to below the dam and only hope for enough water to paddle in this extended drought time.

from four years ago.... we are still trying to make a difference... it does matter! vote early, i did.

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