Monday, March 29, 2010

full moon redux

with a beautiful spring full moon stripbuilder and i challenged the wind and waves to run the length of the whitebreast arm and south to hickory ridge. with flood waters approaching the high water mark the possibilities for exploring are endless, if only i had the time. the advent of weather in the 70's is a nice contrast to paddling around the ice floes last week.

two bald eagles were occupying this nest at the confluence of whitebreast and competine creeks last night. unfortunately they took to flight as we approached, but kept watch to see if we were dangerous. sometimes it's easy to be that way without trying.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

changing of the guard

the transition times of the year are always the most interesting, rather like life i guess. paddling the sunset on red rock has an added attraction with 6 inches of ice floating in the middle. the black icy shelf refracts the sunlight and the opening cracks portend the gradual demise of last season's surviving remnants - now flood stage in the spring.
i'm back in heaven (no, iowa) with the lake open for paddling and a whole season ahead.

Friday, March 19, 2010

one half full

sometimes it is difficult to determine where the line really is on a lake 1/2 full of ice and open water. paddling along the ice shelf on prairie creek reservoir was a mini version of red rock with its tinkling crystal ice particles playing out its vibrational medicine. we are now rushing into spring and all the varying weather it holds. tomorrow it is supposed to snow, with a high of 34 degrees F. my drysuit will continue to occupy a place of distinction in my van for a couple more weeks.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

lost in a fog

i never before had a complete knowledge of the feeling of "lost in a fog" until last week when paddling on prairie creek reservoir in indiana. one early 6am morning before working i pushed off into a dense fog, with only the pole light next to the ramp to guide me as i paddled away. even out in the middle of the lake i could see the Light and felt safe for finding my way back..... until the light went out at the witching hour of 7am. there i was, unable to find my way back, and paddling in the last known direction of the ramp only took me further out to sea. after the usual panic of having to wait until the fog lifted i decided to paddle in ever increasing circles until i finally spotted the dark shoreline peeking through the cover. how many times do we lose sight of what has always been there?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


one of the first epigrams Ashley Brilliant sent out was this one and lets us remember that age is just another way of describing emotion. i've been doing comprehensive holistic programs for several years now and tonight leave to see some "old friends" in indiana at oakwood's rainbow farm. into the fog we go.... wonder if the dinosaurs said the same thing?

Friday, March 5, 2010

froelich geburtstag

all a parent can want for his children is to be happy and healthy. each birthday marks another chance to understand life better and share it with those for whom you care. twenty-four years of exploring is just a great start for a creative caring young woman who i hope will always have such a beautiful smile. happy birthday Calliope!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

two faces have i

even killer whales can look cute when seen from the right angles..... wish they'd send him back to his ocean pen outside of iceland and stop the seaworld shows... it's better to see wildlife in the wild like it is supposed to be. a brave 22 y/o woman, Katie Spotz from Ohio, is rowing across the atlantic ocean and reported today in her blog that she had encounters with a 19' dolphin that picked off a dorado next to her boat. she is only less than 200 miles from cayenne, on the east coast of south america. such brave individuals...

Monday, March 1, 2010

fire sale

the last day of february was solitarily spent on the river for the full moon and the view through my goggles, as i toiled against the current, was decidedly different than my own two eyes. the sky was afire as the sun sank behind the trees and the moon slowly rose above the horizon to the east. no more 3 x 5's...