Thursday, November 27, 2008

compassionate thanks giving

The Way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful.”

I decided that my being should be dedicated to something useful for others. One of my favourite prayers says "So long as space remains.. So long as sentient beings suffer and remain.. I will remain in order to serve". This gives me a lot of comfort. This is the meaning of my life.
Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama quotes (Dalai Lama, b.1935)

“As long as space abides and as long as the world abides, so long may I abide, destroying the sufferings of the world.”
-Buddhist scripture, Santideva

at a time of thanksgiving we are able to refocus on purpose and understand that each of us has been given a chance, in this world, to make a difference for someone. in Buddhist teachings we are told that eliminating suffering is the highest element. i am so thankful to work in the healing arts and have exposure to so many fantastic individuals, that amaze and inspire me every day.

just yesterday i asked a woman when she last felt wonderful, full of life, and free from pain. she went back in time to her childhood when the love of parents and friends was unconditional and fulfilling. with that love as a Light she was able to safely identify the emotion that walled off the area of pain, the darkness, and understand where it started - and what she needed to do to be free from the pain it caused. forgiveness is just one of many solutions we draw from in the healing process, but a powerful solution to powerful negative emotions. she visualized the frustration and anger burning up in a fire and then filled the painful area with Light. she left painfree and for the first time felt in control of her body, and her life.

Motivation by pure altruism striving to eliminate the suffering of everyone; this is the fullest expansion consciousness is capable of, expressed as the complete perfection of wisdom and (this is crucial) compassion.

let us all, in the approaching holiday season, remember to include compassion for those less fortunate, and understanding for those that struggle. let us include unconditional love and caring in all our relationships and as was once said, "keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer".

1 comment:

dobrya said...

i often forget that i can choose my compassion over my selfishness. that reminder is a bit of peace in each day.