when i was young (no, not 50) we played a game called "kick the can". in playing, the person who was "it" stood by the can and could only move away far enough to get back before someone ran in and kicked it. if you caught them before they kicked the can they were "captured". you had to be fast to get back after you tempted them to run in. if they were successful in kicking the can they were "free". if we only can stay within range of the "can" and stay healthy enough to "get back quickly" we can experience life to the fullest knowing that we need not fear the imbalance.
you don't have to always do everything by yourself in achieving that balance point. drawing from the energies of friends can be helpful, as many of the clients at Oakwood would agree. we are not alone in this endeavor we call life, and learning to trust others can be the most freeing experience we will ever learn. i have been privileged to work with individuals that were able to trust others and risk everything emotionally. i have found that the quote paraphrased from T.S. Eliot, "at the stillpoint of the turning world, there is only the dance", is applicable to our lives. we should find joy in every movement, and every opportunity. i am truly blessed to have met so many wonderful people in my work.
last week i got the news that a beautiful young girl i've worked with before, Miss Taylor, got her trach tube removed and is starting to regain her speech. her laughter is a gift from a higher power and a reminder that anything is possible if you have faith. congratulations go out to both her and her family and friends. i look forward to the day we get to dance together!
remember to use your lifelines, and to look for that stillpoint in your Path that signals the opportunity to dance.
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