Wednesday, August 15, 2012


'i heard the old, old men say "all that's beautiful drifts away, like the waters."' -- william butler  yeats

last saturday afternoon, after the nationals parade, and helping as soundman for The Retro Jukebox in the bandshell downtown, i ventured to the lake for a long workout run of about 25 miles.  starting at elk rock and making the west beach turn to painted rock left me a northern side route past the marina to the north overlook beach, where signs warned swimmers of contamination and ill advised swimming.  so much for these people sharing the beach with the gulls.  i continued across the dam to the south overlook and then west back to the van.  the shifting wind ended up from the north making for 7 miles of right-handed paddling.  when will i ever get a skeg?  even though the 6 hour trip seemed more than enough it was only a fourth of the NC100 next month. 

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